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Are You Properly Brushing Your Teeth?

October 24, 2023
Are You Properly Brushing Your Teeth?

Believe it or not, there’s a right way to brush your teeth. The proper technique can mean all the difference to your oral health, playing a role not only in the immediate cleanliness of your mouth but also the long-term condition of your teeth and gums.


The good news is that it’s never too late to learn the right technique, a method that’s advised by the American Dental Association (ADA). Here’s why it’s so important to learn how to brush properly and what you need to do to clean your teeth the right way. 

Why Brushing Teeth Properly Is Important

Brushing is the key to a clean and healthy mouth — but following ADA guidelines is essential to really reaping the full benefits of this vital daily habit. The proper technique ensures that you don’t miss a spot and that your teeth are cleaned as thoroughly as possible, covering the outer, inner, and chewing surfaces completely.


Not only is brushing the most effective way to remove food debris and prevent plaque buildup on your teeth that could otherwise lead to cavity formation, but it also stimulates your gums. Improved blood circulation to the gums supports a healthier environment and a reduced chance of developing gum disease.


You can also prevent tartar buildup by brushing properly. This is a form of hard, stubborn plaque that is difficult to remove, which is why it’s so critical to schedule regular visits every six months with your dentist. These cleanings ensure that tartar doesn’t have a chance to accumulate and cause issues like gingivitis, halitosis, and yellowing of the teeth. 

How to Brush Your Teeth Properly

How can you tell if you’re brushing your teeth the right way? There are a few factors that contribute to effective brushing that’s considered “right” as recommended by the ADA. Here’s what you should do.


  1. Hold Your Brush at the Right Angle

Gripping your toothbrush at a 45-degree angle is the most effective way to ensure that you clean the entirety of your teeth. The brush should contact the point where your teeth and gums meet. 

  1. Apply Pressure, But Be Gentle

While you do want to press firmly on your teeth with the brush, you don’t want to be vigorous when cleaning. Use a “rocking” motion to take your brush over all of your teeth. Create small circles as you go, as this allows you to more effectively clean crevices in the teeth and spaces between the teeth. This motion also supports more efficient plaque removal.

  1. Brush Every Part of Every Tooth

Be deliberate about how you brush your teeth instead of casually gliding the brush over them. Make sure to clean the front, the back, and the chewing surface of every tooth, remembering to maintain the gentle pressure and circular motions as you go. Finish by brushing your tongue thoroughly to prevent bacterial buildup and maintain fresh breath.

  1. Make Sure to Brush for Two Minutes

Two is the magic number where brushing your teeth is concerned. You can use a timer if you want, or you may want to invest in a toothbrush that buzzes every 30 seconds. Think of this as an alert to switch from one quadrant of your teeth to the next. This is also a great way to ensure that you’ve brushed all teeth. 

  1. Brush at Least Twice a Day

The ADA guidelines also state that you should brush your teeth twice a day, each time abiding by the two-minute suggestion. Twice is the bare minimum, so you should aim to do so every morning and at night before you go to bed. Some people prefer to brush after each meal. 

Other General Toothbrushing Guidelines

Following the ADA’s guidelines is a great way to protect your teeth, but there are other pointers you should also keep in mind to really go the extra mile for your oral health.


  • Use a toothbrush with soft bristles to prevent damage to tooth enamel and protect your gums
  • Use an ADA-approved toothpaste formulated with fluoride to reduce the chances of decay by strengthening tooth enamel and minimizing acid production
  • Alternatively, if you are opposed to fluoride using a Hydroxyapatite based toothpaste is recommended. 
  • Floss twice daily to remove any food that remains lodged between your teeth and at the gumline
  • Run your toothbrush under cold water after brushing and allow it to dry thoroughly to prevent bacterial buildup

Dental Care at Advanced Dentistry of Stockbridge

Brushing your teeth properly is an excellent first step on the path to healthier teeth and gums, but it’s equally important to visit the dentist regularly. Trust in the team at Advanced Dentistry of Stockbridge to make a difference in your oral health, offering extensive services ranging from general exams to restorative procedures to teeth whitening. Visit our website for more information, or call us at 770-389-0389 to schedule an appointment.

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