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Botox® and Dermal Fillers in Stockbridge

Botox and Juvederm Treatment

Advanced Dentistry of Stockbridge provides BOTOX® and dermal fillers in Stockbridge, GA. Call 770-389-0389 to learn more and schedule an appointment.

What is BOTOX®?

BOTOX® is an injectable medication that reduces the appearance of facial wrinkles. BOTOX® can take years off your appearance, but the results are subtle and look natural.

The medication comes from the microbe that causes botulism. The injection temporarily prevents muscles from moving, erasing wrinkles and giving you a refreshed appearance.

What are Dermal Fillers?

Dermal fillers work by plumping wrinkles and smoothing facial lines. They contain safe substances like hyaluronic acid, which the body produces naturally.

Doctors typically apply fillers around the nose and mouth. They can instantly rejuvenate your face and lips, restoring the volume you may have lost to aging.

Benefits of BOTOX® and Dermal Fillers

Fewer Wrinkles. BOTOX® mainly works on dynamic wrinkles caused by repeated facial movements like smiling, laughing, frowning, and squinting. BOTOX® improves the look of forehead wrinkles, creases between the brows, and crow's feet. Fillers also help to reduce wrinkles by restoring skin volume in those areas.

Fast and Non-Invasive. It takes only a few minutes to receive BOTOX® treatment. The injections cause very little pain and minimal bleeding. You can immediately return to normal activities.

Quick Results. You will see results from BOTOX® within 7-10 days of treatment and the wrinkles may continue to relax for up to 3 months while you receive the maximum benefit. Dermal fillers take an instant effect and last for months to years.

Affordable. Compared to surgical procedures, BOTOX® and dermal fillers are highly affordable. Invasive procedures may not be necessary if you are satisfied with your appearance after BOTOX® and fillers.

Reversible. Fillers and BOTOX® are reversible and require no long-term commitment.

Convenient. You can easily combine dental work with facial injectables when you receive BOTOX® or fillers from your dentist. This convenience means you have fewer stops to make in your busy daily routine.

Improves Health Conditions. In addition to cosmetic benefits, BOTOX® can help with neck spasms and migraines.

Temporomandibular Joint Disorders (TMJD or TMJ). BOTOX® injections are sometimes an effective and painless way to alleviate tension in the temporomandibular joint, reducing jaw pain and tension, headaches and suffering.

Gummy Smile reduction. BOTOX® lip flip involves injecting above the upper lip at the center and near the corners of the mouth. The primary effect of the lip flip is to relax the muscles connected to the upper lip, allowing the lip to relax and curl outward, thereby appearing larger and more defined in shape.

Safe and Tested. BOTOX® and dermal fillers are well-studied medications and are safe with responsible use by a trained professional.

Why Choose Advanced Dentistry of Stockbridge?

We provide high-tech dental care in a warm, family-friendly atmosphere. We use updated equipment and materials to provide you with outstanding dental care.
We have added facial injectables for your convenience. Our doctor received full training in the use of BOTOX® and fillers.

Are You a Good Candidate for BOTOX® and Dermal Fillers?

Candidates for facial injectables share these characteristics:

  • 18 years or older
  • Generally good physical health
  • Not pregnant or nursing
  • No history of neuromuscular conditions or diabetes

Call 770-389-0389 to schedule an appointment.

Frequently Asked Questions About BOTOX and Dermal Fillers

What areas can receive BOTOX® treatment?
Forehead lines and wrinkles show excellent results from BOTOX®. Crow's feet around the eyes respond well to treatment, as do lip lines.
How long does BOTOX® last?
BOTOX® lasts for about three to four months. The first treatment is likely to wear off faster than the second treatment.
Does BOTOX® age your appearance when it wears off?
This story is a common myth about BOTOX® treatment. Your face will look younger even after the treatment has run its course.
What types of problems can dermal fillers address?
Dermal fillers work on wrinkles and folds in the skin. They can increase lip, cheek, and chin fullness.
How long do fillers last?
The length of time fillers last depends on the brand and application, but generally, you can expect your filler treatment to last anywhere from six months to two years.
Will my face look natural with fillers?
Like any skin treatment, some patients take dermal fillers too far. A skilled practitioner will give you a subtle, natural look if that is what you want.
How often can I get fillers?
Many brands of fillers need to be repeated every four months to two years for best results.
Can I combine fillers and BOTOX®?
You can have fillers and BOTOX® done in subsequent appointments. Relaxing the muscles with BOTOX® works well at first, and fillers can be applied two weeks later to reduce wrinkles further.

Call Advanced Dentistry of Stockbridge

If you are dissatisfied with your facial appearance and want to make a change, call Advanced Dentistry of Stockbridge at770-389-0389. We can set up a consultation and help you learn more about our services.

Contact our office today to schedule your appointment!

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200 Medical Way Stockbridge, GA 30281