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Dental Implants in Stockbridge, GA

Dental Implants Graphic

Advanced Dentistry of Stockbridge provides dental implant services in Stockbridge, GA. For more information or to make an appointment for a consultation, call our office at 770-389-0389.

What Are Dental Implants?

Dental implants are carefully engineered replacements for natural teeth. They bond with the jawbone to provide sturdy, permanent results.

Dental implants have titanium posts that screw into the jawbone. On top of the implant, the dentist places an abutment and adds a dental crown. When the process is complete, the patient has fully-functional replacement teeth that can be cared for in the same way as healthy, natural teeth.

Single Dental Implant Photo

Single Dental Implant

Dental implants are small anchors made of a biocompatible metal called titanium that are placed in the jawbone to replace missing teeth in the mouth. After placement, the anchors will begin to fuse with the bone over the course of a few months. After the fusing process, known as osseointegration, abutment posts are inserted into the anchors to allow for the permanent attachment of the replacement teeth.

Implant Supported Bridge

Implant Supported Bridges

An implant supported bridge is a restorative solution for spaces where three or more adjacent teeth are missing. This restoration typically requires two implants to support the bridge that provides a functional and aesthetic replacement for a patient’s natural teeth.

What are the advantages of an implant supported bridge?

Because of the natural look and feel and the functional stability provided by the implants, implant supported bridges are an effective solution to replace multiple missing teeth.

A traditional bridge uses teeth on either side of the missing tooth space for support, and preparing teeth for crowns can weaken them. Because these teeth serve as attachments, they are subject to additional forces that can damage both healthy and compromised teeth or bone tissues.

A dental implant supported bridge replaces missing teeth by placing two or more dental implants rather than adjacent teeth. These implants avoid putting any additional stress on your natural teeth and help preserve the health and function of the surrounding bone tissue and teeth. 

Fully Edentulous (Toothless) Solutions

For patients missing many or all of their teeth, implant retained or implant supported dentures may be an alternative to traditional dentures. These solutions can simulate the look and feel of natural teeth and stay fixed in place with the implants acting as anchors. Using implants for retention or the support of dentures allows for a smaller and more comfortable base and less shifting of the prosthesis during use.

Implant Supported Dentures Graphic

Implant Supported Dentures

An implant supported denture requires the placement of four to six dental implants as “anchors” to provide a sturdier fit and minimal mobility for your denture. With implant supported dentures, there is no plate covering the roof of the mouth, so speaking and eating are more natural and comfortable than with traditional dentures. For qualifying patients, our doctors may be able to complete the removal of all teeth and the placement of a temporary arch on the same day.

Implant Retained Dentures Graphic

Implant Retained Dentures

Available for full or partial dentures, implant retained dentures require the placement of two or more dental implants to secure the dentures in the mouth. This type of denture will “snap” onto the implants and can be removed for cleaning at night.

Guided Implants

Computer-Guided Implants

Computer-guided implant procedures are safer and more efficient. Our highly advanced CBCT (Cone Beam Computed Tomography) 3D scanner helps to plan safe, effective implant surgeries. Using the CBCT scanner, the dentist can precisely view the implant site and its interior features.

Benefits of Dental Implants

Restore Chewing and Speaking Ability. With implants, you can eat freely within reason. You can have hard and crunchy foods that bridges and partial dentures make challenging to eat.

Easy Care. You can care for single-tooth dental implants with the same routine as healthy natural teeth, brushing and flossing as recommended. Ensure that you keep all regular dental appointments for cleanings and exams.

Preserve Jawbone Structure. Dental implants prevent the jawbone from breaking down in areas with missing teeth. Stimulating the jawbone with implants prevents the "sunken" look that ages a person's face and is familiar to patients with dentures.

Long-Lasting. When properly maintained in the office and at home, a dental implant can last a lifetime.

Beautiful and Lifelike Appearance. Dental implants look just like healthy, natural teeth. They can give you a reason to show off your smile, even if you were self-conscious in the past.

Why Choose Advanced Dentistry of Stockbridge?

Our dentists provide highly advanced care with a personal touch. Using today's leading dental technology, they enhance patient care while maintaining a warm, family-friendly office atmosphere.

Are You a Good Candidate for Implants?

While dental implants work well for many people, patients must meet specific criteria to be considered good candidates for the procedure.

Excellent candidates for dental implants share the following characteristics:

Healthy Gums. To receive a dental implant, patients need healthy gums. Any existing gum disease will need addressing before beginning the process.

Absence of Tooth Decay. Tooth decay is essentially an infection. Like gum disease, patients need to be free of tooth decay before moving forward with implants. The mouth must be free of harmful bacteria to proceed with implants, or complications could ensue.

Avoidance of Tobacco Use. Tobacco use reduces blood flow and oxygen supply to bodily tissues, including the gums. This problem means tobacco users have lower healing abilities and should not get implants.

Sufficient Bone Mass. When patients lose teeth, the jawbone around the socket breaks down and becomes reabsorbed into the body. This problem stems from a lack of stimulation to the jawbone. If patients have low bone mass, they can undergo bone graft surgery.

Sufficient Jaw Height. Certain patients may not have enough jawbone height to receive an implant, especially in the molar area. If this is a problem, the patient can receive a sinus lift to encourage the bone to grow higher.

Frequently Asked Questions About Dental Implants

How long does it take to get dental implants?
The implant process takes several months, from the extraction of damaged teeth to the final crown installation. You can expect the entire implant process to take upward of 6 months.
Is dental implant surgery painful?
Dental implant surgery is not painful, but you may experience discomfort and swelling during the healing process. This discomfort is normal and easily managed with pain medications and at-home comfort measures.
How long do dental implants last?
The Implant could last a lifetime, given adequate home and office care.
Do dental implants have a high success rate?
Dental implant surgeries provide excellent results. The success rate is as high as 90 to 95 percent if the patient meets eligibility criteria and takes good care of their oral health.

Call Advanced Dentistry of Stockbridge

If you have missing or damaged teeth and are interested in discussing dental implants, call our office at 770-389-0389. We can help you explore your options and start you toward healthy, beautiful teeth.

Contact our office today to schedule your appointment!

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200 Medical Way Stockbridge, GA 30281