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Invisalign® and Clear Aligners in Stockbridge, GA


Advanced Dentistry of Stockbridge provides Invisalign® and clear aligners treatment in Stockbridge, GA. To inquire about our services and make an appointment for a consultation, call our office at 770-389-0389.

Invisalign Retainer

What is Invisalign®?

Invisalign® is a revolutionary orthodontic system that straightens teeth without brackets or wires. The system consists of a graduated series of clear aligners made with specialized plastic. The patient changes the aligners every few weeks, gradually shifting their teeth into the best position.

Invisalign® The Clear Alternative to Braces

Benefits of Invisalign®

Improve Your Smile. Invisalign® has impressive cosmetic benefits. It can quickly straighten teeth and provide the brilliant, even smile you've always wanted.

Straighten Your Teeth Discreetly. When you're wearing Invisalign®, most people will not notice. You will not draw unwanted attention, and you will be able to complete your treatment privately.

Improve Your Oral Health. Crooked teeth can harbor plaque and bacteria. Straighter teeth are much easier to keep clean, leading to lower gum disease and tooth decay rates. Since the aligners come out for eating and oral care, there is nothing to interfere with proper brushing and flossing.

Improve Bite Issues. Invisalign® has well-known cosmetic benefits, but the system can also correct mild to moderate bite issues, including overbites, underbites, and crossbites. For more extensive orthodontic problems, traditional braces are usually best.

Comfortable to Wear. Invisalign® is far more comfortable than traditional braces. Without wires and brackets, it does not cause irritation or scarring inside the lips and cheeks. When you are wearing Invisalign®, you will hardly notice it is there.

Eat What You Want. Within reason, you can eat what you like while taking part in Invisalign® treatment. The aligners come out whenever you eat or drink, so you will not have dietary restrictions like patients with braces. Brush well and rinse your aligners before replacing them.

Why Choose Advanced Dentistry of Stockbridge?

Our dentist, Dr. Amish Patel, provides high-tech care in a warm, family-friendly environment. You will feel comfortable in our modern office. We offer a broad range of dental treatments for your convenience.

Are You a Good Candidate for Invisalign®?

Good candidates for Invisalign® share the following traits:

  • Mild to moderate orthodontic issues
  • Older teens whose jaws have finished growing and adults
  • Ability to follow directions and the discipline to wear the aligners 22 hours per day
  • No untreated tooth decay or gum disease
  • All teeth are present and healthy
  • Non-smokers or those who are willing to quit long-term

Frequently Asked Questions About Invisalign and Clear Aligners

How long does Invisalign® treatment take?
Invisalign® treatment is often faster than braces. It typically takes between 10 and 18 months to complete Invisalign treatment, whereas braces take between 18 months and three years.
What is the treatment process like?

The process starts with a consultation with a trained dentist. The dentist takes digital or physical impressions and designs a series of aligners that gradually shift your teeth into the correct positions.

You will change the aligners every one to two weeks. You will visit the dentist every four to six weeks to check your progress. Save your old aligners and bring them to appointments. In 10 to 18 months, you will have a gorgeous new smile.

How should I clean my aligners?
The easiest way to clean the aligners is to use the Invisalign branded system. Alternatively, you can clean them with clear, unscented liquid soap. Do not use toothpaste or denture cleaner on your aligners because these are abrasive.
Why can't children get Invisalign®?
The system does not work well until the jaw has finished growing. Also, children may have more trouble keeping up with the habit of wearing their aligners 22 hours per day and keeping them clean. They may lose or damage their aligners. Teenagers are more likely to handle Invisalign responsibly.
Can I get Invisalign® with crowns?
Invisalign® usually works well with existing dental crowns. The forces used to move teeth are gentle and constant, unlike the intermittent pressure applied by braces.
Does Invisalign® cost more than braces?
The two systems are comparable in cost. Considering the benefits of Invisalign®, you will be making an essential investment in your oral health.

Call Advanced Dentistry of Stockbridge

You could have a transformed smile and a new outlook on life in months. To inquire about Invisalign® treatment, call us at770-389-0389. We will set up an appointment for a consultation to help you determine whether Invisalign® is the right solution for your smile.

Contact our office today to schedule your appointment!

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200 Medical Way Stockbridge, GA 30281