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Will BOTOX Help Your Migraines?

March 27, 2024
Will BOTOX Help Your Migraines?

Migraines are a complex neurological disorder which causes severe headaches, nausea, vomiting, and sensitivity to light. Migraine symptoms can vary from person to person, but they always cause significant disruption to the person’s daily life. Since migraine is so debilitating, it’s no wonder that migraine sufferers have been searching for a cure for decades. Unfortunately, there is no cure for migraine currently available, but treatments for migraine have advanced in recent years. One of the newest migraine treatments being explored is the neuromodulating drugs, including BOTOX.

What is BOTOX?

BOTOX is a neuromodulator made with botulinum toxin-A, a safe yet effective neurotoxin. BOTOX was originally approved by the FDA to reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, but since then it has been found useful for several different medical conditions. BOTOX is injected into the desired treatment area to restrict the movement of muscles. In addition to improving the signs of aging, BOTOX can also be used to treat muscle spasms, stiffness, and excess sweating.

Why BOTOX Works to Treat Migraine

A little over ten years ago, researchers and medical professionals discovered that BOTOX is an effective treatment for migraine headaches. BOTOX helps relieve migraine by interfering with the transmission of neurotransmitters and other molecules that are released when a person is experiencing pain from a migraine episode. This treatment requires a series of BOTOX injections in the face and head, administered over several months, with most patients seeing maximum results around week 24. 

Risks of Using BOTOX for Migraine

While BOTOX is considered generally safe for use in treating migraine, there are some precautions and risks patients should be aware of. Women who are pregnant or breastfeeding should not receive BOTOX injections, nor should people with an allergy to cow’s milk protein. Occasionally, we’ll see reactions at the injection sites including redness, swelling, and bruising. These usually resolve without intervention in just a few days. However, if you experience prolonged headache, flu-like symptoms, dry eyes, watering eyes, drooping of one eyelid or one side of the face, or drooling, these may be a sign of more serious issues. You should contact the physician who administered the BOTOX immediately for further direction.

Frequently Asked Questions About BOTOX for Migraine

Has the FDA approved the use of BOTOX for migraines?

Yes, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has approved the use of BOTOX to treat migraine symptoms in patients over 18 years old.

How many BOTOX injections will I need to treat my migraine symptoms?

Every patient is different, but typically you’ll receive a small BOTOX injection once every three months for migraine symptom relief.

Try BOTOX for Migraine in Stockbridge, GA

Are you ready to try something new for your migraine headaches? If you’ve tried other migraine treatments with limited success, talk to your aesthetic professional about BOTOX injections for migraine. In Stockbridge, GA, we offer dentist-administered BOTOX injections right here at Advanced Dentistry of Stockbridge. We offer both neuromodulating agents like BOTOX along with dermal fillers to give our patients the best smile possible. For more information or to schedule a consultation appointment, call us at 770-389-0389 or contact us online.

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